These days for people who want to either Buy cars or sell cars, dealing with the business is much easier, thanks to the many available online auto portals like Whether it is enquiring or finding out a new car price or wanting to find a dealer to buy cars or sell cars, gives you access to it in just a click. However, the role of these online portals are not simply restricted to just providing new car price or finding a dealer to buy cars or sell cars.
These portals even help you in suggesting a car for a potential buyer by asking him/her about the buyer’s EMI range in mind, doing the affordability calculation for them, which is so much more than just providing a New car price. All these calculations are done by experts who are involved with the portal, ready to serve the possible buyers. And the potential buyer also gets to book a test drive, so virtually the deal almost reaches the penultimate stage of the actual buying, assisting the buyer until the end. Do these portals actually work? The increase in such sites of course hint at the same!